Tag Archives | garage door opener repair

Know Your Garage Door Inside and Out 

If you have a garage door, chances are that it’s broken once or twice over the last few years. With a quick call to a garage door repair company, it was likely fixed within a few hours. You really don’t pay attention to overhead doors until something goes wrong. And when things do go wrong, […]

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How To Stop Your Garage Door’s Rattling Noise

Garage doors are valuable, and important, aspects of your home and should be treated as such when they start acting out of the norm. Would you take the time to fix your front door if it was busted? Keeping your garage door repaired is at least as important for the security of your home, and […]

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Add Garage Door Opener Repair to Your Wildfire Prep Checklist

It’s more important than ever to prepare your household for natural disasters, and in California, wildfires are the most threatening. Updating the type of garage door and garage door opener you have in your home should be added to your checklist. Battery-powered garage door openers are more reliable than electric in this case, since the […]

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A Troubleshooting Guide to Garage Door Opener Repair

Want to keep your garage door opening smoothly and safely? Maintain a well working garage door opener. That’s the machine that does all the work after all. And considering most of us use our garage doors 2 to 3 times per day, that adds up to a thousand times per year. That’s a lot of […]

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Concerned About the Security of your Garage Door?

Though a high-quality garage door, installed and maintained by professionals, is likely to be the most secure door to your house, there’s a few things you can do to ensure it remains impenetrable. Keep your garage door closed and locked at all times when not in use. Check that all of the screws and bolts are secure as part of your regular maintenance. Install an alarm system to alert you if someone tries to enter your garage, ideally with a smart lock that can be activated remotely. Finally, keep the remote control on your person when you are away from home and never leave it in your car. By following these tips, you can ensure that your garage door remains secure and private.